Three Things CONFIDENT People Do to Command Respect from Others

Live It Up 'Habit'
4 min readJul 6, 2021

Respect is the most important thing you need to have for yourself if you want to be respected by other people. The feeling of having no one respect you is terrible because sooner or later those disrespectful things people throw at you will take you down.

It makes you feel less confident or possibly competent because you are afraid that what you do is not what you really are, and you are just doing it without any real potential at all.

That’s why today I am going to introduce you three important things to command respect from others without being arrogant or cocky. Something I believe you can start from scratch.

1. Don’t Talk When You Are Not Being Listened to

When you are trying to persuade someone to do something good for themselves, or try to be funny in front of someone that does not value you, stop doing it when you notice you are doing one. You are not going anywhere because that person will not see your value, and sooner or later you will be less likely to be respected by them.

The bottom line of this idea of ‘ Don’t Talk When You Are Not Being Listening ‘ is that you will make yourself look stupid in the eyes of others, and worse in the eyes of yourself. That also makes you cringe of yourself sometimes as well.

If someone doesn’t listen or pay attention to what you are talking to, stopping is the best solution. You are important in your own way. If no one sees it, you don’t have to force them to see it. Stop showing them that you are might be what you need to do right now.

Don’t talk if you are not being listening to carefully and attentively because firstly, it’s useless. Secondly, whoever they are that you are talking to, no matter how great of a person they are, it’s not worthwhile to talk and say something you think it’s good while the others don’t.

2. Respect Your Idea, Don’t Always Go with the Flow

In a conversation or any discussion of a project or an assignment, when the time you need to talk, speak it out. Presenting your ideas is a way to show that you value yourself. Don’t always think that others’ ideas are better than yours.

No one knows what you are capable of. You are unique, and you have your own importance.

When I see someone that is attractive, I attract to a part of them that makes them ‘ them ‘. How they can contribute to a team with their own ideas and not always be a pushover.

In order to respect yourself, of course, you need to know that your ideas and thoughts are also counted and paramount. Nobody is better than others, basically if you are in a team together. Therefore, if you have a discussion in group, step up and stand up for yourself. Talk about what you think is true, and not always be a person who always believe the others. By saying so, I don’t mean you should think that you are always true because that can lead you to be a narcissistic person, and no one likes narcissist. That’s why you have to be careful about that.

3. No one is Perfect, Acknowledge Your Flaws

One of the things I always see why people do not trust themselves is because when they believe in what they believe so much to the point where they willfully blind about other perspectives, it turns out to be wrong or completely terrible, and that makes them feel like they can’t trust themselves anymore. So, if you are going to put yourself on something and believe in it, don’t be naïve. You should know that you can be wrong. You should open yourself for critiques from others or even yourself but don’t over criticizing yourself because when it becomes too much, you will hate yourself, and it’s bad for the long run.

You have to understand people rarely regret on what they believed in and did in the past when it didn’t turn out good, but they would regret on things they didn’t do because they don’t believe in themselves, or the person they should trust in the first place because the person that they look in the mirror every day is the only person that could tell you what you really want and should do.

That’s it for today.

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Originally published at on July 6, 2021.



Live It Up 'Habit'

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