7 Effective Ways to Build Self-Confidence (Become Who You Could Potentially Be)

Live It Up 'Habit'
6 min readJan 30, 2021

Have you ever seen someone walking into a workplace, classes or any other place with elegance and self-confidence in themselves?


You are like: “How could this person be so cool and attractive even though honestly they are not that beautiful like a super star or something?”

Well, the answer is it’s because of their self-confidence. They manifest themselves in their own confident and unique ways.

Generally speaking, confidence plays an important role in one’s life. In order to be successful, you need to believe in yourself. I.e. confidence is important and really essential in life.

According to my experience and observations, here are 7 effective ways to build unlimited self-confidence:

1. Believe in Yourself

Personally, no one is more confident than someone who actually believes in themselves. If you manifest yourself in the world with the way that shows you trust yourself, you have to give yourself that permission to have faith in yourself. If you have any goal, or set any goals at all, it is highly that no one believes in you if it’s too unattainable, so the first thing that you need to do is to believe in yourself.

Want to be successful?

Earn a lot of money?

Improve your well-being with income from doing something you love?

Go for it, and if no one trusts in you, trust in yourself.

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2. Take Care of Yourself

Being fit and healthy are essential because you have to feel good with yourself first before you can be confident. You have to feel comfortable with yourself primarily. Say, you are overweighed, and you don’t like how you look, so you need to do something about that first. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against fat people because I have been there before, and I felt so self-conscious because of my body. I don’t body shaming anybody, but I talk about it because it’s rather about health.

Hence, I care about your health, as apposed to your appearance.

I have some tips to lose some weights easily. If you have some problems with that, I have written and shared my experience on this particular topic, you can check it outin one of the links below.

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Besides physical health, you also have to take care of your mental health. You need to meditate, read or write books, and whatever that help you to reduce stress and pressure from the outside world that affects your mental health, and mind. In addiction to that, sports and exercises are also helpful for your mind.

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3. Do something you love


Don’t copy others because you think or see other people do it and earn a lot of money, and get a lot of benefits from that. That’s not right!

Generally speaking, being successful is hard. It takes a lot of efforts. It takes a lot of work, so you need to be passionate at what you are doing in order to wait for your hard work to pay off.

Guys, everything you do, make sure it’s your passion. Don’t try to copy other people too much.

Example, don’t create a YouTube channel because you see others have millions of subscribers and have fancy lifestyle. You have never seen their back stories so don’t do that. It is highly that you will fail. I know everyone has felt that at some point in our life, and we have done that before.

See the result?

I highly doubt that.

Anyway, if you create a YouTube channel because you love talking in front of the camera. You have passion in creating videos and helping people on the internet, and you are confident in front of the camera, go ahead. I cheer for you!

Doing what you love really makes you feel confident about yourself as well.

4. Be assertive

No one is impressed by passive nor passive-aggressive people. Say, you have to discuss a project in a workplace, or in a class to come up with something to present and stuff. Have you ever felt annoyed with someone who doesn’t speak at all?

Have you ever felt that you don’t want to have someone like that in your team?

However, if you have been with someone who doesn’t know much about the things you want to discuss about, but they still try to come up with some idea, you tend to feel more delighted to have that person beside you.

If many people like you because of who you are, that can make you feel more confident about yourself.

So, next time when you have anything in your mind, speak it out. Don’t be afraid to express your ideas. It can be hard for the first time if you are an introvert like me, but practices make you better.

5. Dress like someone you want to become

This might be something that could be fun for you. Actually, I get this idea from a famous clinical psychologist that some of you might know him already. The man I want to mention today is Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, one of my favorite psychologists, who I have been following and reading his stuff for a while now. In many of his lectures, he always states that ‘Dress like someone you want to become.’

This statement really inspires me a lot in terms of trying to improve myself in general. If you go anywhere, don’t be afraid to stand out because the way you dress can also be your uniqueness.

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6. Don’t be afraid to change yourself

I know that some of us might be scared to leave our ‘comfort zone’. You might just be so self-conscious to the point where you are terrified by the idea of changing your hairstyle or the way you used to dress because you think that others might judge you. If you have this problem, let me tell you no one really pays attention to that.

If you change yourself for the better, you will only get positive comments, and feedbacks from people you love. However, if someone criticizes you for being yourself and wanting to be better, it can be a good sign that they are not your people. Therefore, you needn’t to care about them because no one is perfect, and you can’t be good in everyone’s eyes.

If you are in a toxic relationship, you are likely to meet this consequence of facing this issue.

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7. Stop caring about other people’s opinions

Last but not least, this is what related to the previous point. You don’t need to care about other people’s opinions too much. It might affect your ability to grow. In order to grow, you need to change or do something you have never done before, so you are susceptible to being criticized by some ‘people’ you needn’t to worry about. They are just jealous and envious.

Remember, if what you do or are going to do don’t impact on people negatively, close your eyes for a few seconds, take a deep breath, and toss them away mentally. Those people don’t deserve your attention at all.

When you stop caring about them, you can change for the better. Thus, you will feel more confident in almost everything you do, and whoever you are.

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That’s all!

Thanks for visiting,

Originally published at https://liveituphabit.wordpress.com on January 30, 2021.



Live It Up 'Habit'

This site is solely created for the purposes of inspiring you to become the best version of yourself, and providing you with motivation, health care, etc.