5 Signs You Are in a Toxic Relationship (How to Leave & Stop looking back)

Live It Up 'Habit'
5 min readJan 11, 2021

Toxic relationship can cause you many problems both mentally and physically. It makes you exhausted or worse nihilistic, meaning you don’t want to be in any other relationship after being in a toxic one. Somehow, as bad as it’s sound, it’s hard to spot one because toxic relationship can make you too obsessed and hooked with that person no matter how cruel and awful you feel.

That’s why I think it would be better to look from other people’s points of view. Firstly, everyone has been in that kind of relationship at least once in their life, and today I want to share some experience and tell you the red flags you should look at your partners, friends, or even family members.

Here are the 5 signs:

1. Too self-centered

Firstly, it’s okay to love yourself, and to prioritize yourself sometimes, but it’s not okay when someone is only interested in themselves and doesn’t value your time and your interests besides them. If you are in a relationship with someone, and you feel like they don’t value you or your thoughts, it can be a wake-up call that you need to be careful because as bad as it sounds, you might be in a toxic relationship. For example, when you go out with your partner or your friend, and they don’t think about where you want to go, or what you want to eat, but they just choose what they desire most. They think that their decisions matter most, and yours are useless.

2. Passive-aggressive

People with passive-aggressive behavior drain your energy and make you feel uncomfortable. The best way to spot a passive-aggressive person is to observe them closely. For example, if you go on a date or just simply hang out with them, and they find something they don’t like about you, they will go on social media: Facebook, Instagram, or other platforms to criticize you without letting you know your mistakes.

The reason you don’t want to be with them because being with them only means you must do whatever they want, and believe me, they will find something wrong with you and make fun or tell you off on the internet instead of being forthright with their words. So, honey. I hate to say this but the best way is to gradually leave them alone.

3. Envious of Your Achievement

Have you ever felt so happy with yourself for achieving something and want to tell someone special to you about that, hoping they will be proud of you? Yeah, we all have.

Somehow, we don’t really know why we feel that sometimes that person doesn’t feel as we have expected them to be. Instead of being proud, they start to sulk and imitate what you do without letting you know. Normally, if you love someone, for example, look at your parents, they always smile and encourage you to do more, and to not give up. They show their love and support to you. Therefore, if someone doesn’t feel the same way as you when you tell them your successes, stop it! Leave them alone. They are not your people, and they are not someone you should tell your good news to.

Remember, not all people in the world are happy with what you have achieved. Be careful, dear.

4. Abusive

Being abusive both mentally and physically are the crucial red flags you should look into. Generally speaking, it is easy to spot a physically abusive person, but it’s so difficult to know whether one is mentally abusive or not. So here are a few significant examples of mentally abusive people. The first one is they reject your thoughts, your decisions, and your characteristics. They manipulate who you are-they think theirs are better, and you should change yourself to what they want you to be. Lastly, it’s about screaming and yelling. Though they are not hitting you or using physical violence on you, somehow those behavior really affect your mental health.

5. Too possessive

Last but not least, someone who is too possessive over you, meaning they don’t want you to do something without them even for a second. They don’t give you privacy nor the time you need for yourself. This sign can be a red flag for you to know that you might be in a toxic relationship because everyone needs their own space and time. If someone you are with doesn’t respect those things of yours, they are likely to be toxic.


The best way according to my own experience is to vanish gradually from them. If you have already told them about what you don’t like about them, and they try to be better, then give them a chance. However, if they say they can’t change because of who they are, you should leave because if someone loves you enough, they are going to change for you. I mean, not all parts of them, but just a small part of them that makes you feel uncomfortable and awful.

At the end of the day, you need to prioritize yourself more than others because you are the one who will stay with yourself for the rest of your life. Don’t stay in a relationship that destroys you.

Any red flag above, please look into your relationship and think it through.

That’s all for today.

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Always smile and try your best,

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Originally published at https://liveituphabit.wordpress.com on January 11, 2021.



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