5 Must Learning Life Lessons You Should Know by NOW

Live It Up 'Habit'
7 min readMar 21, 2021

In life, there are many things that you should learn as soon as you are grownup because it’s important to know and to learn before it will be too late if you wait for too long. So, in this very post, I know I am a bit broad by saying 5 things you should learn by NOW. I mean, who the hell knows when exactly is now, right?

Anyway, what I mean is if you see this post, then it’s a good sign for you to know that it’s time you should know this.

See, I am not that old in terms of knowledge and experiences. I don’t consider myself better in any way than you guys, to share and to know everything we must learn as a human being, but I would do my best to share valuable things you should learn; therefore, if you have anything to share more, please comment down below after finishing reading this full article.

I really do appreciate expanding my knowledge by reading your comments.

Now, let’s get started:

1. People do not CARE about you THAT much

What I have learned so far this year, is one of the best things I have got to know. It might seem so simple, but I am sure you guys find it hard to grip it and keep it in mind that people really do not care about you that much so that you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t hurt others, and it benefits you to some extent.

Actually, I am trying to be specific as much as possible about this concept so you can understand about this point more if you want to get something out of this particular idea.

Honestly, since I was young, I cared too much about what people think about me. In fact, I was afraid that those people judge me when I change myself even if it doesn’t hurt them in any way.

For example, I was afraid of even changing myself or dressing myself the way I wanted. I felt so insecure about that, and the reason is because I thought that when I go out, people are going to look at me and judge me even though they do not.

It’s just my mind criticizing myself and using others as a defend mechanism to cope with the pain I don’t want to admit that I am the one who has brought that to myself.

So, if you have anything that you want to do to make yourself better, do it. No one cares about you that much.

There are two different people who care about you a lot. Ones are someone who love you. The others are someone who hate you.

The bottom line is what I am about to explain below, guys.

Someone who loves you are going find everything about you perfect. I mean, it’s literal. Imagine, you have a crush on someone, would you find flaws in them, or otherwise? If you do, would you stop loving them because of that?

I am sure you will find almost every single thing about them is perfect and eye-catching.

People who love you don’t find your changes cringy or crazy in a bad a way. In fact, they want to see you grow in a beautiful way.

For someone who hate us, they always find flaws in us no matter how good we are to them. That’s why you don’t need to validate yourself to someone that dislikes you. It’s useless anyway.

As long as you don’t hurt anyone, you have a free pass to do something you love.

2. Find time to do what you are PASSIONATE about

Life is too short for doing something you don’t like. If you are too agonizing over other things instead of something you love, you are in a depth of misery.

I know some of us, including myself might not have time to do something we are passionate about because it honestly doesn’t provide any profit.


We need money to survive if we are not rich.

That’s why I say we all should find time to do something we love. Whether it’s profitable or not, it makes us happy. That’s the thing. Happiness is a serotonin to our brain, to our life.

Your passions could be sports, reading, writing, or whatever you are passionate about. Just do it. Who knows one day that thing will profit us to some extent?

Anyway, money or not, find time to do it.

It’s your energy. It’s what you should be looking forward to after a long day.

You should have passion; otherwise you might be susceptible to depression. When you do not have anything you enjoy doing, you are likely to seek happiness from something that is not good. It can be drug or alcohol that severely damage your health.

In sum, guys, find time for your passions.

You deserve to be happy.


I can’t agree with this idea more. Most people who are not satisfied of their lives because as simple as it sounds, they don’t love themselves. They don’t enjoy with themselves. That’s why loving yourself is a good way to start a bright life.

You can start loving yourself by taking care of yourself.

Then, if you are good enough, you will be able to take care of other people too.

According to Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, in his book (12 rules for life — antidote to chaos), one of the rules is to take care of yourself like someone you are responsible for. I do agree with this rule most, although, all the rules he has written are great.

To be able to embrace your mistakes, acknowledge your flaws as well as your good qualities, you will be able to be more satisfied.

If you have been following my blog for a while now, you will know that I have stressed a lot in almost every post of mine that taking care of oneself is essential in life.

In almost every post, I talk about this idea.



The name of this blog which is Live It Up ‘Habit’, is also about the things we could do to develop ourselves further. Therefore, if you are hooked up with this kind of thing, please consider following me, and I promise you won’t be disappointed.

4. WHATEVER you have been through NOW is TEMPORARY

Life is suffering and difficult. What you have been through now doesn’t define your future. You might extremely suffer today, but that doesn’t mean in the future, you will continue to endure the pain.

Dr. Jordan mentions that, people need to sacrifice the presence for the future. That’s why you should not feel too bad about the misery you have now.

Everything is temporary if it hurts you. It doesn’t stay long if you are strong enough. I mean, you can have a deadly disease and stuff, and you think you can’t get over it. However, those are just fate. People suffer in a different way. As long as you won’t surrender when you are still alive, you win.

Shout out to those who have been through a lot in life and still continue to walk.

Anyway, you can share your problems in the comment section below, so that we can all embrace each other.

5. RELATIONSHIPS are IMPORTANT but YOU are not RESPONSIBLE for TOXIC people in your life

Relationship is important, but that doesn’t mean every person in the whole world needs to have or stay in a relationship when it doesn’t make them happy.

I mean, you might feel the need to stay in a relationship with those who hurt you because your friends have similar relationship, and they are happy.

You might even feel guilty or afraid to leave toxic relationship.

For example, say, you have a toxic relationship with your siblings or significant other. You don’t want to leave them because you are scared that there won’t be anyone to be with you anymore. You feel ashamed and upset because you think it’s your mistake that your siblings or significant other are toxic. You wonder why your friends have good friends and significant other, but you do not.

Therefore, you want to stay just for the sake of having someone besides you.

It’s pathetic.

Do you hear it?

I am sorry to point it out, but it really is pathetic to stay with someone who abuses us in some ways. Don’t get me wrong, I am not blaming you for that. I, of course, have been with that person too.

I know it’s hurt, and it’s painful to realize it, but that’s the truth.

Anyway, whoever you are, if you read this article, and you have been in a toxic relationship for so long now, please do me a favor, find your happiness by leaving them.

However, I have written one article about that too, here is the article if you want to check it out.

5 Signs You Are in a Toxic Relationship (How to Leave & Stop looking back)

That’s all.

Hope to see you soon in the next post, and if you find some useful information in this post, please share this with someone you love too.


Good luck, guys.

Originally published at https://liveituphabit.wordpress.com on March 21, 2021.



Live It Up 'Habit'

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