3 Productive Habits to Do in Quarantine

Live It Up 'Habit'
5 min readFeb 5, 2022

Quarantine is tough. I know that this is a period of time you have been through since the pandemic has arrived, and I also know it is turbulent, exhausting, hopeless, and even helpless. Without a doubt, some of us can handle this situation fairly well, and congratulations if you are one in a group of people handling and holding on to something fine. Unfortunately, a lot of us seem to think it’s too much, and we lose interest in every aspect of our lives.

I totally understand why.

Honestly, I have been there too when I was first required to stay home and not go anywhere. The stress is absolutely overwhelming, and it is difficult to hold on to something that we once did. So, we inevitably lose hope and become less productive and lazier.

However, today I am going to share three habits that are productive and helpful for you, your mind, and your body. The goal of this particular blog post is to help you navigate both your mental well-being and improve your physical health.

The following three habits are what I have been experiencing since I was at home after the outbreak. It helps me a lot, and I believe it also might help some of you as well if you feel that you are lazy, unproductive, and procrastinating for so long.

These habits might help you get back on your feet even if you are still at home.

Anyway, please carefully read this article, and if you find something helpful, share it with your friends, your family members, and whoever you think might also appreciate this information.

1. Read and Write

If you have been reading my blog posts for a while now, you will know that I strongly support reading because of the tremendous benefits you won’t find anywhere but from the books, the text, and everything that you spend your precious time reading.

Reading improves your mental health. It helps you be sharper, be able to think on your feet. People who read can be more understanding than those who are not, according to my observation and many types of research out there.

More importantly, the more you read, the more knowledgeable you can be, and hands down, there is nothing more powerful than having knowledge as a weapon to deal with the tragedy of life that we face every day. Therefore, if you are at home with free time or just five minutes per day, read…read…read…

You will never regret reading…ever.

And, if you choose the right book, it can change your life forever. Not to mention the fact that reading can help you reduce your stress as well. It expands your mental ability and helps you memorize better. The way you talk and the wide range of vocabulary you are going to learn is so powerful for you and your future.

Below are interesting quotes about reading:

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” — George R.R. Martin

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” — Dr. Seuss

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” — Stephen King

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” — Walt Disney

It’s hard enough to just grab a pen and a paper to write or log in to your computer to type whatever you have in your mind. That’s why I won’t pressure you to do it three or four hours per day-if you are not a writer, or you do not like to write at all. However, the idea here is for you to write, to express your thoughts, to say what you have in your mind.

Writing a journal about your day, or the things you want to express is super essential for your mental and emotional health. It helps you let it out, and if you do not want to write, then read. There are many books that you can search online based on your interest. By doing so, you will not only take your mind off certain things, but you will have the chance to learn more from the books as well.

Therefore, set your time for ten to fifteen minutes per day in order to write or read. These habits will not only bring you joy but wisdom too.

2. Exercise

By exercising, I do not mean that you must do an intense workout every day. What I really mean is that you just need to find some time to walk every day if you will. Again, do not do it too much unless you have a professional goal or it’s that what you need to do or used to do, otherwise, you could injure yourself and be less motivated to do it the next day.

Just twenty minutes per day is enough if you think exercising is not your thing, or you feel lazy this time of the year. I totally understand, but you are going to do something that benefits you.

3. Develop and Nurture Your Passion

There is usually a certain thing that we love to do in our free time, but we have no time to do because of work, assignments, the time we spend traveling to the workplace or school. Those passions of us can be drawing, painting, singing, dancing, writing, doing YouTube videos, etc. If you are passionate about doing those things, choose one you love and develop it. There is no better time than right now because

That’s it for now. Have a good day,

Originally published at https://liveituphabit.wordpress.com on February 5, 2022.



Live It Up 'Habit'

This site is solely created for the purposes of inspiring you to become the best version of yourself, and providing you with motivation, health care, etc.